Welcome to Josiascreate

Hi, I'm Josias and this is my personal blog, Josiascreate. I like to think, and I like to write. So, I decided to put my thoughts on paper. Well, in this case the internet.

Welcome to Josiascreate


I was inspired to create this blog after enjoying many years of YouTube. I looked up to my favorite creators, and I was astonished at how they built a community and a career online. Just like them, I aspire to build a community and start a career online by being passionate and sharing my experinces with you the reader.

I have so many thoughts and ideas that I want to put into action, but most often I find myself overwhelmed, stuck doom scrolling, and feeling defeated. It’s not easy to keep your mind focused on a goal, but this blog is meant to change that.

Overcoming imposter syndrome

When I was first designing my blog, it felt like I was designing a corporate website. I was obsessing over every detail, as if I had investors and stakeholders to answer to. I was starting to feel discouraged and deterred from working on my blog, because I wanted every aspect to be perfect and to sound professional. When, in fact, I decided to create my blog not to sound sophisticated and insightful, but rather to have a place to share my thoughts, ideas, and life experiences. All with the goal of growing a community while providing a relaxing and welcoming environment.

What you'll find here

On my blog you will find a variety of posts, such as, self-reflection, personal and relatable stories, personal interests like, technology, photography, travel, and many more not listed here. Trust me, the list could go on forever.

I imagine this blog is like a digital journal where I write anything that stands out to me, like shower thoughts or ideas I get before falling asleep.

All in all, this blog is a personal project, something I can build and expand upon to reach a broad audience and to cover the ever-expanding experiences I go through in life.