Mexican Beauty

Enjoy the breathtaking views of Mexico.

Mexican Beauty
Guanajuato- Cerro De San Miguel

Mummies and more

From the towns built on the mountains to the extremely developed metropolitan cities, the beauty of Mexico will never cease to impress.

During my trip to Mexico, I passed by a very famous alley known as The Callejon del Beso or Alley of the kiss. This famous alley has a Romeo and Juliet kind of vibe. It's honestly a tragic story, I recommend looking it up since its quite interesting. Not only that, I got to see some pretty gnarly mummies, and other cool things like castles, churches, and historic buildings. I would share pictures of the mummies, but they don’t look too pretty, so I’ll stick to the scenic pictures.

My favorite part of traveling is the food, to be honest, so anytime I travel I like to try something new and, of course, something that’s local. That way I can have an authentic meal. If you plan on going to Mexico, definitely stick to the street food. I think the street food was way better than any restaurant I went to while I was there. If I had to rate my time in Mexico, I would have to give it a 10 out of 10. The next time you want to take a spontaneous trip, why not go to Mexico? For now, enjoy some beautiful pictures.