Tikal National Park

Enjoy the beautiful scenery of Guatemala, the ancient Mayan pyramids, and a solid restaurant review.

Tikal National Park
Tikal Temple I

The pyramids will always be a wonder.

The wonders of the Tikal National Park never ceased to amaze me. During the tour I couldn't help but to be fascinated and amazed by the sheer beauty of the wildlife and of the giant pyramids. In fact, I was so captivated that I forgot to pay attention to the tour guides and their explanation of the site, but don't worry I'm only a quick search away from learning all of the history of this ancient Mayan site.

Tikal Park's Restaurant

Let me tell you about the best chicken I've ever had. This was no ordinary piece of chicken; this was a chicken leg quarter from Guatemala that was prepared by a chef. Not only was the chicken superb, full of flavor, beautiful to look at, it was also filling, especially after a long day of trekking through the national park. To drink I had a fresh glass of tamarind water, unfortunately I don't have a picture of that, but trust me it was refreshing. I rate the Tikal Park’s restaurant a solid 5 out of 5.


Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” (New International Version)

Photos were taken on iphone 12 and edited on ipad pro.